Social anxiety
“Bold of me constantly saying “no worries” when infact I’m full of worries”
Have you ever seen some one who is freaking out because s/ he is the one who has to order next in some café or KFC? Have you ever been in a situation where you continuously rehearsed before calling? Are you good in one on one conversation and freak out when you have to enter a crowded classroom?
Social phobia is often confused with shyness it is much more than that. It is a fear of being judged or accidentally offending some one . Don’t you hate it when you are so shy and can’t speak in bigger crowed because it drives me crazy when people drag me into the spit light just to point out how quiet I am . Like seriously don’t people understand that I don’t talk because I am uncomfortable with the attention it would cause ?
Common Social anxiety triggers include
• Meeting new people
• Public speaking
• Performing in stage
• Being the center of attention
• Being watched while doing something
• Being called on in class
• Using public restrooms
• Eating or drinking in public
• Making phone calls
• Attending party/social gathering
Physical signs and symptoms
• Red face /blushing
• Shortness of breath
• Trembling/shaking (including shaky voice)
• Feeling dizzy/faint
• Low self-esteem
• Negative self talk
• Poor social skills
• Inherited traits
• Suicide /suicide attempt
• Hyper sensitivity to criticism
Solution and conclusion
• One of the most helpful thing you can do to over come social anxiety is to face the social situations you fear rather than to avoid than.
• Seek help from therapist or psychological counselor
• Participate in social situations by reaching out to people with home you feel comfortable
• Eat with close relative friend or colleague in a public setting
• Avoid using alcohol to calm your nerves. It may seem like it helps temporarily, but in the long run it can make you more anxious
• Do pleasurable or relaxing activities such as hobbies , when you feel anxious.
It is not your fault if you have anxiety or any other mental health issue . Everyone’s struggles with something different, even people who are lucky not to have a mental health issue. But that doesn't mean they don't have struggles and it doesn't mean you are invalid. But it is up to choose how you deal with the struggles you've been given. That's what matters.
Meenakshi & random girl.
Team psycho wellbeing
“Bold of me constantly saying “no worries” when infact I’m full of worries”
Have you ever seen some one who is freaking out because s/ he is the one who has to order next in some café or KFC? Have you ever been in a situation where you continuously rehearsed before calling? Are you good in one on one conversation and freak out when you have to enter a crowded classroom?
Social phobia is often confused with shyness it is much more than that. It is a fear of being judged or accidentally offending some one . Don’t you hate it when you are so shy and can’t speak in bigger crowed because it drives me crazy when people drag me into the spit light just to point out how quiet I am . Like seriously don’t people understand that I don’t talk because I am uncomfortable with the attention it would cause ?
Common Social anxiety triggers include
• Meeting new people
• Public speaking
• Performing in stage
• Being the center of attention
• Being watched while doing something
• Being called on in class
• Using public restrooms
• Eating or drinking in public
• Making phone calls
• Attending party/social gathering
Physical signs and symptoms
• Red face /blushing
• Shortness of breath
• Trembling/shaking (including shaky voice)
• Feeling dizzy/faint
• Low self-esteem
• Negative self talk
• Poor social skills
• Inherited traits
• Suicide /suicide attempt
• Hyper sensitivity to criticism
Solution and conclusion
• One of the most helpful thing you can do to over come social anxiety is to face the social situations you fear rather than to avoid than.
• Seek help from therapist or psychological counselor
• Participate in social situations by reaching out to people with home you feel comfortable
• Eat with close relative friend or colleague in a public setting
• Avoid using alcohol to calm your nerves. It may seem like it helps temporarily, but in the long run it can make you more anxious
• Do pleasurable or relaxing activities such as hobbies , when you feel anxious.
It is not your fault if you have anxiety or any other mental health issue . Everyone’s struggles with something different, even people who are lucky not to have a mental health issue. But that doesn't mean they don't have struggles and it doesn't mean you are invalid. But it is up to choose how you deal with the struggles you've been given. That's what matters.
Meenakshi & random girl.
Team psycho wellbeing
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